Japan Sake and Shochu Makers Association | JSS


Sake and Snack Pairing: Sake Steamed Clams

The chemistry of clams and sake multiplies the delicious flavor!

This is a simple sake-steamed dish that is perfect as a light snack. The succinic acid in clams and the glutamic acid in sake bring out the delicious flavors of each other, resulting in a gentle yet rich-tasting snack! Don’t forget to enjoy the texture of the adductor muscle as well.

This dish pairs beautifully with fruity types of sake and smooth and light types of sake.

Ingredients (2 Servings)

8 clams
100ml of sake
Soy sauce, as needed
Chives, as needed

How to Make: (Steps)

Step 1:
Soak the clams in salted water for about 30 minutes to remove sand, then rinse well under running water. Finely chop the chives.

Step 2:
Put the clams in a frying pan, sprinkle with sake, cover with a lid and cook until all the clams are open. Add soy sauce, serve, and sprinkle with chives.

Tip: Try this recipe with different types of shellfish!

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