Japan Sake and Shochu Makers Association

いわてめいじょうIwate Meijo

Iwate Meijo President and Representative Director Oikawa Keiko
Oikawa Keiko
President and Representative Director
Iwate Meijo Co., Ltd. was established in 1955. With quality as the top priority, Iwate Meijo won the first and highest prize, the prefectural governor's award, at the Iwate Prefecture Sake Competition.
Tamanoharu Hishun
たまのはる ひしゅん
Tamanoharu Hishun
Made from Iwate Prefecture's own brand of sake rice, Yuinoka, this sake has a vibrant aroma and depth. First prize winner of the highest award, the Prefectural Governor's Award, at the 2019 Iwate Prefecture Sake Competition.
  • Type of sakeDaiginjo
  • Alc./vol.16%
  • Vol.720ml
  • Buy at Airports
    Haneda Airport Terminal 3
Ways to Drink

Room Temperature


On the Rocks

With Water

With Sparkling Water

With Hot Water


Chokuro, 3 Nen Koshu
ちょうくろう さんねんこしゅ
Chokuro, 3 Nen Koshu
The pride of the Iwate Meijo brewery, this sake is a version of the sake entered into the National New Sake Competition that has been aged for 3 years.
  • Type of sakeDaiginjo
  • Alc./vol.16%
  • Vol.720ml
  • Buy at Airports
    Haneda Airport Terminal 3
Ways to Drink

Room Temperature


On the Rocks

With Water

With Sparkling Water

With Hot Water


Oshu no Ryu
Oshu no Ryu
Made from the traditional brewing rice Kame no O, Oshu no Ryu is smooth on the palate and has a delicious flavor. It also received a gold medal at the 2021 U.S. National Sake Appraisal.
  • Type of sakeTokubetsu Junmaishu
  • Alc./vol.15%
  • Vol.720ml
  • Buy at Airports
    Haneda Airport Terminal 3
Ways to Drink

Room Temperature


On the Rocks

With Water

With Sparkling Water

With Hot Water


Please be aware that there is a possibility the airport stores listed may not be carrying the above products or are closed for business.
Japan. Kampai to the world.