Japan Sake and Shochu Makers Association

にしやましゅぞうじょうNishiyama Shuzojo

Nishiyama Shuzojo President and Representative Director Nishiyama Shuzo
Nishiyama Shuzo
President and Representative Director
While keeping the traditional methods of Tamba Chief Brewers alive, Nishiyama Shuzojo produces sake with fresh, gentle flavors from ingredients grown locally among the bountiful nature of Hyogo prefecture.
Kotsuzumi Junmai Daiginjo
こつづみ じゅんまいだいぎんじょう
Kotsuzumi Junmai Daiginjo
Kotsuzumi Junmai Daiginjo is a junmai daiginjo sake brewed with the traditional techniques of Tamba Chief Brewers. It boasts a light sweetness and mild flavor that enhances the taste of food.
  • Type of sakeJunmai Daiginjo
  • Alc./vol.15.5%
  • Vol.720ml
  • Buy at Airports
    Kansai International Airport Terminal 1
Ways to Drink

Room Temperature


On the Rocks

With Water

With Sparkling Water

With Hot Water


Kotsuzumi Baishin Shunju Plum Wine
こつづみ ばいしんしゅんじゅう
Kotsuzumi Baishin Shunju
Plum Wine
Kotsuzumi Baishin Shunju boasts the mellow sweetness of aged plum wine and, despite being plum wine, a peach-like aroma and taste that covers your entire palate.
  • Liqueur / Plum & Sake
  • Alc./vol.10%
  • Vol.720ml
  • Buy at Airports
    Kansai International Airport Terminal 1
Ways to Drink

Room Temperature


On the Rocks

With Water

With Sparkling Water

With Hot Water


Please be aware that there is a possibility the airport stores listed may not be carrying the above products or are closed for business.
Japan. Kampai to the world.