Japan Sake and Shochu Makers Association

やまだしょうてん(くらもとやまだ)Yamada Shoten (Kuramoto Yamada)

Yamada Shoten (Kuramoto Yamada) Managing Director Yamada Kazuhiko
Yamada Kazuhiko
Managing Director
Kuramoto Yamada produces sake that believes in the power of people.
Junmai Daiginjo Tamakashiwa
じゅんまいだいぎんじょう たまかしわ
Junmai Daiginjo Tamakashiwa
Junmai Daiginjo Tamakashiwa is a superb sake whose quality has been recognized in France.
  • Type of sakeJunmai Daiginjo
  • Alc./vol.17%
  • Vol.720ml
  • Buy at Airports
    Narita International Airport Terminal 1
    Narita International Airport Terminal 2
    Haneda Airport Terminal 3
    Nagoya Chubu Centrair International Airport Terminal 1
Ways to Drink

Room Temperature


On the Rocks

With Water

With Sparkling Water

With Hot Water


Junmai Ginjo Ryugin
じゅんまいぎんじょう りゅうぎん
Junmai Ginjo Ryugin
Junmai Ginjo Ryugin features an aftertaste like the booming echo of a dragon's call.
  • Type of sakeJunmai Ginjo
  • Alc./vol.17%
  • Vol.720ml
  • Buy at Airports
    Narita International Airport Terminal 1
    Narita International Airport Terminal 2
    Haneda Airport Terminal 3
    Nagoya Chubu Centrair International Airport Terminal 1
Ways to Drink

Room Temperature


On the Rocks

With Water

With Sparkling Water

With Hot Water


Junmai Ginjo Ryugin Ninja
じゅんまいぎんじょう りゅうぎん にんじゃ
Junmai Ginjo
Ryugin Ninja
Ninjas of Mino! At your sake service.
  • Type of sakeJunmai Ginjo
  • Alc./vol.17%
  • Vol.720ml
  • Buy at Airports
    Narita International Airport Terminal 1
    Narita International Airport Terminal 2
    Haneda Airport Terminal 3
    Nagoya Chubu Centrair International Airport Terminal 1
Ways to Drink

Room Temperature


On the Rocks

With Water

With Sparkling Water

With Hot Water


Please be aware that there is a possibility the airport stores listed may not be carrying the above products or are closed for business.
Japan. Kampai to the world.